Monday, August 24, 2009


hello. well, blogger in fine now. thanks to people whom taught me how, like lynette. (: that noob, didnt knew she know this. Lolol. hahah. (: well, school sucks. :D heh, i belived you all will agree with me. but why hate school? for me, i think it's total boredness. and adding on, now, Mr Ng continued with the same Singing Contest. LOLOL!!! well, i created it. but why? damn lame lohs, if we didnt sing the national anthem, we'll have to sing again. what reason is that? even if we sing it, but we didnt sing it from the bottom of our heart, it's still meaningless. why waste the time at the parade square? instead of letting us go back to class? teachers kept nagging that N'level is HOW IMPT. yah, impt. i know. (: but you made us waste time at the parade square to train our singing? ROFLMAO! no logic, just fcuk off.
well, this paragraph is for yude. well, mate, i know times are hard. but i really appreciate you for scoling Mr Ng. :D:D how cool! but wait, this isn't about coolness or what. guess what?! you just got a external suspension from the school till O'level. hah, you may think it's cool for you, a previallage. but, your at lost you know?! you might think i'm crapping, but guess what will your EXPRESS MATES think? for me, they'll say, "aiya, confirm is zhengjie&co. teach bad yude de lahs! teach him how to smoke, tell him dont study." hey, yude, it isn't nice when you're being accuse. so please change, for the sake of us for being acusse? just reflect on yourself bahs, though life isn't fair, but cum'on, we still have to move on. but the teachers, SIMPLY SUCKS! i support you in this. xD
anyw, there's training tomoro! (: shiok, i love training! cool cool cool! (: anyw, when the indoor court is done, we finally have a chance to use it! for once! cool or sucks? Lolol. but whatever, we still manage to use the indoor court. (: by the way, last sunday, we went to queensway to order our jersey! SHIOK SHIOK! 4years,1jersey. pathetic. ==
hmm, i just found out something shocking today. i want to say, but i dont have the rights to say. so, too bad. maybe next time uh?! (: and i've learnt a lesson today, you cannot trust anyone. just like "CAO CAO". he didnt trust anyone, and people said he's proud. but i belive he's a good comander, though he sucks at time. LOLOL! from now onwards, i'll no share my stuff with anyone, anymore. nothing would have happened, if you didnt make a speech. therefore, you sucks! you're a backstaber, you talk behind my back, you too, despise me. but, so do i. you're a holy to them, but you're a dog to me. guess why?! well, just guess. let your imagination go wild. xD cool right? Lol.
anyw, just now sayjong asked me something.
SJ: hey, when are you going to settle down?
ME: settle down? what you mean?
SJ: get a stead and last long lohs.
ME: Lol. you think easy to find mehs? hard lehs. ==
SJ: you lehs, hard? Lol.
ME: if easy you go hong lohs. ==
Lol. seriously, it's hard to find a stable relationship. i'm waiting for the right person, being called a playboy, hongster isn't that nice. :/ so, i'll try to change for the better. but i think i'm just bullshitting. Lol. ._. anyw, yenlin is so dumb lohs! thinking of her only, makes me giggle. :D
anyw people! i've changed my number. (: do save the new one! 96470990. msg me to tell me who you are, cause i've lost all my contacts. and please, dont try to be cute, by prank calling me. ==
that's all i want to say, but before i go, i've a few videos. (:

this is bloody nice! i mean the next video below. (:

enjoy! (:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hello. blogger simply sucks to the core! why? i wanted to upload some pictures, but what the fcuk? nothing came out, kns! blogger, please do some maintainence to fcuking hell get blogger to become better. Lol. what the fcuk am i talking? o.o anyw, school seriously sucks to the core too. school and blogger can become a tag team. Lol!
guess why i said school sucks? firstly, Mr Chan is a big asshole, kns! TI KO CHAN. (: why? he said that the indoor court is meant for the basketball team. what the fcuk lah? Mr Goh appeal for this to the Moe because he wanted the students to be happy. (i guess) Lol. then guess what Mr Chan said, he said that the basketball team has the first piority. KNS! though, volleyball doesnt have any achievements since 2006, but you cant be so bias against volleyball. wak up your idea lahs!
secondly, Mrs Rajes is the TEACHER IN CHARGE for volleyball. but she is not responsible at all! why made her the TIC? all she did is using her mouth, but nothing comes happen. what a joke. lamers!
i hate school! because, it's so boring. and N'level is coming alr, i'm so lazy to study. and now what? i'm havng a cold war with my mother, like what the fcuk lahs? i'll have to greet her everytime i saw her, as it's manners. then she didnt reply, is that what she call manners? then if i dont call her, she will kpkb say i no manners. What the fcuk lah! adults are idiots. seriously, the sucks to the core too. (:
i love being 16. it's so fun, no stress, until now. i hate my parents, how i wished they can just ignore me, but they must give me my daily allowance. (:

i've the urge to hear his song suddenly. (: anwy, i wanna play maple now! (: bbye.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

blogger is fine now. (:

Yeahs! Blogger is fcuking fine now. (:
hello. i've finally got the chance to fcuking hell blog properly. (: all thanks to BLOGGER(fcukers) hah. (: Lol. anyw, kimberly's birthday just passed, and we had great fun celebrating for her. (: it was a hell of a time, and sadly, i got drunk. fcuk! i said out things which i've kept within myself, or to say, my top secret, not even sean, my best friend knows. Lol. damn, so paisae. but i wont continue talking about it, as i feel so ashame. Lol.
thursday, 13th august, is when my PRELIM starts. omg, i'm so afraid. what to do? i'm not even prepared, this sucks. just imagine, what if my N'level fail, TOUCH WOOD! :/ i must pass, and get a fcuking good grade, but even if i cant, i must at least make it to higher Nitec.
i relaly hate mrs chan, she sabo me today. for what? firstly, i alr cut my hair, so fcuking short. secondly, about my hari colour, damn it lahs, my hair so short alr, how can the colour still be there. thirdly, yes, i admit my fringe is long, but guess what mr ng said.
Mr Ng: if i help you cut your fringe now, this offence slip is nothing, i'll tear it away.
Me: dont want lahs, later very ugly.
Mr Ng: it's alr very ugly. *giggled*
Me: heh, yah. *sarcastic*
what the fcuk lohs, he think he fcuking hell hansome. lose me abit only then jealous like one kind, Lol! anyw, had training today. quite fun plus bored. anyw, felicia is so stupid, Lol. noobie. anyw, fila is one fcuker. she threw ball at my *toooooot*, you get what i meant? Lol. anyw, i have alot of pictures, but i wont be bloggin it. i'm to lazy, and there is alot, when i say alot, it's really alot. Lol. if you're really keen in seeing it, you may go to kim leng's blog.
ok done, i wanna play maple right now. Lol. lame game though, but it kills time. (: by the way, i've one intersting quote.
A men's destiny is always decided by fate.
but, why? hahaha

Monday, August 10, 2009

fcuk blogger.

Omg, i havent logged on to blogger, and i fcuking hell dont know what's the fcuking problem with this! damn, since i hate this now, i wont be posting bout what i really wanna tell you guys! too bad, but blame fcuking blogger. i dont even know whether the problems lies with me or blogger. SCREW YOU BLOGGER! Lol. but whatever, if you really wanna know, talk to me in msn. (: