Saturday, May 23, 2009


Beautiful. (:
hello. (: just woke up and had nothing to do, so intend to blog awhile. Lol. anyw, yesterday went to slack with sean, kl, yude and roy. did nothing much but .... Lol. then yesterday night, my sister's friend came over to paly volleyball. Lol, dont want to insult them, but they are not really good. but, if they say that because we are bigger than them by a year. TAAADEEEEH! wrong, because, if they continue their CCA as volleyball, next year they'll by in the 'B'division, which is in the same group as us. so, we are so call 'training' them. Lol.
yesterday, damn fcuk! i dont know what i eat, must be something bad! make me go to the toilet 3times. =/ then yesterday night before i sleep one more time, make my anal so pain. Lol. but whatever, lucky i can go to sleep can le. hahahaha! (:
maybe going meet sean later. was to go to my ahma house de. but she going temple to pray, so next time oh. anyw, next week we're going tampines1 !! (: it's the new shopping mall there. wanted to see see look look watch watch. Lol. hopefully, there is a yakpak shop. (: so, i can buy the bag i want!! HAHAHAHAHA! (:
shall stop here, might update again tonight. DotA-ing now. (:

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