Monday, September 21, 2009

to, TOH.KL

Worried, Sad. :/

this post is especially meant for TOH.KL! To my very best friend, although i dont know what has happened to you, but we are really worried for you. please dont do any silly stuffs, we love you as a friend, and we care for you. we know you are having some difficulties, but some problems can only be solved by yourself. there's a saying, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. so, do be the solution. yesterday, i've tried my very best to give you some advise. do you know that when i got home, i'm so fcuking worried for you. i tried to sleep, but i couldnt. you might be thinking that you are like a burden to us, but frankly speaking, you're not. why? it's because, what are friends for? you said partly of the problem is because of BGR, and i've gave you some advise yesterday. you can ignore my words, but you must still have your own pride. i read your blog just now, i'm so fucking sad. :/ in your blog, you wrote, "if i happen to tell ,i guess i'll be leaving this clique ,and go to other place .as i dun haf the face to face you all anymore & myself ." my friend, though we're just friends, i hope that you know how much we love you and care for you. dont do things that will harm you, please. though i'm not a christian, i tried to pray for you. i really want you to become the TOH.KL i first met, a very cheerful boy, always smiling, just how adorable can you be? (: if you need any help, feel free to call me or any of us. We'll always be there for you! love you always!

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