Sunday, September 27, 2009
never rot!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Buck up!
isn't this cool?! :D enjoy uh!
Monday, September 21, 2009
to, TOH.KL
Monday, September 14, 2009
dilemma, afriad
wooots! how cool? (:
anyw, i'm going to TOWN this friday or saturday! hahaha! :D i'm so excited already?! hehe. =x
this is cool too :D
cool? (:
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Fcuk N'level
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Worried, confuse
Monday, August 24, 2009
this is bloody nice! i mean the next video below. (:
enjoy! (:
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i've the urge to hear his song suddenly. (: anwy, i wanna play maple now! (: bbye.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
blogger is fine now. (:
Monday, August 10, 2009
fcuk blogger.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
hello. i havent update my blog and it's starting to rot, i wanted to delete it, but i just cant do it. Lol. anyw, recently, i'm so full with activities. (: went to sentosa, btp and had tons of fun with cliques. (: hahahaha. anyw, the prelims are around the corner, zzz. i'm worried for my Combine Science. :/ totally hopeless. what to do? i want to study, but i'm lazy. pathetic.
anyw, jon joined volleyball as he has been going to sentosa with us lately and this made him so indulged in volleyball. Lol. hopefully, his passion wont fade off so soon. (: anyw, yesterday we had training, and i think i've improved, but maybe not, cause we played with the 'B' girls, and maybe they wasnt in their best form. i still need to buck up! but, i need time. i want to join coach's volleyball team, V-element. but it's tough job man. sean and i are lack of experience, and we do not have a proper team. pathetic.
anyw, i think i really really love combine humanities. but i hate SEQ(structure essay question). soooooo Omg. Lol. mdm faizal gve us a test, or to say, a one day time to memorize a SEQ test. Lol. over 13points, i only got 8. i'm really very disapointed with myself, i thought i could get 11. but guess what, mdm faizal still wrote there "need more eleboration", i was like wth? i sumarize 3 paragraphs into shorter form, but i still have the main points inside, just, what is wrong?! and i think i elaly did memorize the SEQ, it's so unfair, even qinyi could get 9, why can't i?! for the next test, i want to top the class, and i will!
hahaha, wei yang introduced me this lame video. it's obvious that this song is pokerface by lady gaga, it was being edited. Lol. so no life, but quite creative. (:
hahaha! this is so fcuking lame. but this make me laugh for 5mins straight. LOL!
this is crap. lemme show you what is tecktonik. (:
that's all. enjoy. (;
Friday, July 24, 2009

is it nice?! (: so meaningful right?! (: and, i shall upload the pictures now. ><

there's too much, but i'll just post this first. (:
Saturday, July 18, 2009
i'm waiting.

LOL! how cool is ah xinn? (: anyw, this is the longest i can go le, stop forcing me. :/ LOL. hahaha, but before i logged off, here's a song for her. (:
i really love you, and i'll wait.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
who is she? o.o
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Exam Exam Exam
Friday, June 26, 2009
this is cool! ><
Sunday, June 21, 2009
smoking is bad for health
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Puff Puff &Away!
so cool? hahaha! one more MTV, find this song quite nice. (:
i've got another version in my phone remixed with kanye west. (: that's all, shall update again tonight. (:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
hahaha! update again later or tomoro. (:
there's still one more video! you've seen hong hao playing blind mice, but what about say jong? (: hahaha! this is his first time playing with us, and he couldnt catch a fingle one of us in 5mins time. Lol. sorry my friend. (:
Monday, June 15, 2009
happy birthday!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
total rejected
hahaha! =x &i'll post the pictures now, some are from yesterday and some are taken when we are at plaza sing.