Wednesday, June 17, 2009


10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain
& 100% to remeber th name!
hello. yesterday was rather fun-filled! haha, after going to qinyi's house, we went back to wei yang's house to play comp, but for awhile only, cause sean reached my house alr. wait for the rest to reach. then we went to the park nearby my house to play volleyball, after volleyball, played blind mice again. (: so fun! my brother joined us this time.
waited for wei yang to tabao my VEGETARIAN dinner. anyway, i havent told you that i'm going to be a vegetarian eh? (: well, it's because qinyi showed me a video of DAMAO, a god now, and the show insipire me alot, therefore, i wanna be a vegetarian. but i thibk i cant tahan long de lah. -.- but, i'll try. (:
hmm, meeting hh and sj later. geez! i haven't eat my breakfast+lunch. Lol. anyw, nowadays, i keep eating late, and m backbone is sooooooo painful. =/ &my volleyball competition is coming, and so is the 3on3 basketball competition coming. how i dread that. =/ but(!), SBC's bbq is coming, woootss! i wanna enjoy myself that day, no stress! (:
anyw, recently my brother has been using youtube, and we found this video, i think you can see the poster of him everywhere in the train or bus. (: now you know who is he? it's PHUAH CHU KANG! (:

hahaha! update again later or tomoro. (:


there's still one more video! you've seen hong hao playing blind mice, but what about say jong? (: hahaha! this is his first time playing with us, and he couldnt catch a fingle one of us in 5mins time. Lol. sorry my friend. (:

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