Saturday, June 13, 2009

total rejected

Total Rejected.

hello. (: let's start with yesterday, i woke up around 10am, then accompany mummy to have breakfast. after breakfast, DotA! (: played all the way until 2pm plus~ sean arrived after hong hao &say jong then as we were about to meet wei yang and qin yi, met yude under my block. went to the coffeshop to have lunch. ate chicken rice, but had a tummy ache straight after that. Lol. not long, jon arrived.

anyw, i cant buy cigarette at the S&Z le. =/ busted! actually can de loh, but they go pasteone lan jiao sticker showing no selling of cigarette to age 18below. Lol. but i still manage to buy, thanks to hong hao. Lol.

after eating, wet to 803 &played UNO. Lol. but guess what, i won first. Lol. they so noob. =x afterwards, we went to the park&played BLIND MICE. hahaha! i have a video of hong hao ... i think i'll post, but he dont want me to post. Lol. but i'll tell you what we did to him.

basically, we were playing blind mice for like 1/2 hour alr, then we startd to sweat. then it was jon's turn to be the blind mice, then wei yang told me if we want to play busted or not, that means, we walk away, letting him play himself. =x so bad, lol! but i dont want, then i say wait the next blind mice then e busted him. unfortunatly, it was hong hao. Lol. in the rule of blind mice, the non-catcther is not allowed to step foot on the ground, but we wanted to busted hong hao, so all of us wore our slippers and we started pranking him, we made noises, he get confused and we intend to walk away, but that is so busted, so we didnt. Lol! 5mins of prank, he opened his eyes. HAHAHAHA! (:

after this, they went over to the swing to play who can go the highest. Lol. i didnt play as i'll get a headache even if i just sit still on the swing. poor thing? Lol. smoked, and off we go 803 to slack and wait for roy, jiemin, Kl& kimberly to reach. they reaced around 8pm. we startd playing badminton, which we borrowed from a uncle. (: opps, speaking of badminton, no cake, all lost to me, they either get 2points the most or 0. =x HAHAHAHA! (:

after badminton, we went to eat. played volleyball then off we go. (: anyw, i think i really want to post th video of hong hao. =x sorry my friend. (:

hahaha! =x &i'll post the pictures now, some are from yesterday and some are taken when we are at plaza sing.

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