this is cool! ><
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
smoking is bad for health
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Puff Puff &Away!
so cool? hahaha! one more MTV, find this song quite nice. (:
i've got another version in my phone remixed with kanye west. (: that's all, shall update again tonight. (:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
hahaha! update again later or tomoro. (:
there's still one more video! you've seen hong hao playing blind mice, but what about say jong? (: hahaha! this is his first time playing with us, and he couldnt catch a fingle one of us in 5mins time. Lol. sorry my friend. (:
Monday, June 15, 2009
happy birthday!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
total rejected
hahaha! =x &i'll post the pictures now, some are from yesterday and some are taken when we are at plaza sing.

Thursday, June 11, 2009
hmmm, this video us dedicated to SJ. i'm sorry, i'll compensate your time for a lunch someday, i promise! (:
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
- hong sheng - 2
- sean - 4
- wei yang - 1
- AH XINN - 4
- jeanette - 1
hahaha! mei xinn one is special because she requested to be. (: ermm, quite ps loh, we stay there for 2hrs then we only manage to get so little. Lol. then head home after eating dinner, and i'm soooo tired on that day! =/
so, let's talk bout today. i woke up around 1, and i alr have something to complaint! it's super duper HOT! omg man! i woke up in twice in the morning around 2am &4am. WTF? so tired, then god is like playing me. =/ when i woke up i found myself sweating like a pig? -.- so hot, and i intend to sleep longer, but my mum and bro dont know is the ear got bird shit or what, go tune the tv volume so high. idiot!
then i went to take a cool, cold &refreshing bathe. (: ate breakfast + lunch with my brother afterwards. went home after breakfast + lunch, reached home &i'm feeling hot again. why why why?! is it because of GLOBAL WARMING? =/ if it is, then you all idiots better dont switch on the air-con too much, or might as well dont even use the fan, like me! (:
yude came over to my house around 2. slowly, sean and roy reached my house. i went to bathe &off we go~ went to buy cigarette. (: kup with yude, he is like a typical singaporean auntie to me man. =x he got one packet,but it's empty, since i kup with him buy cigarette, it's half half mah. then he say can re-use the packet he has, so he told me to pass 10 over to his empty packet. Lol.
afterwards, i went to NP to meet my mummy for dinner + buying shoe. &speaking shoe, CCB! i lost my shoe in school! =/ lucky mummy buy new one for me. (: went to safra to play pool &off we go back to home. Lol.
shall stop here. DotA again! (:
Sunday, June 7, 2009
when the going gets tough,
that's all. shall update again tonight. (:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
advance b'day wish (:

Friday, June 5, 2009
stupid idiot!

i find sean so cute when he is botak. Lol.