Sunday, September 27, 2009

never rot!

i'll not let it rot! :D

in order to not let it rot, i'll post a MTV of girl generation,
Gee. :D

Thursday, September 24, 2009



i'm using OnSugar for the time being, so i wont be updating this blog.
do view me! :D

Buck up!

Buck Up!

Hello. today wasn't a really good day. :/ i woke up around 6.30am, all thanks to my sister for being so stupid cause she dont know i'm starting school late today. Lol! left home around 7am to meet sean at bus stop, then took 812 together to go to Chong Pang Mac to meet TKL. (: when up to smoke first, zzz. one cigarette three person share. Lol. like begger uh? o.o then started walking to mac, but before there. i did something that makes me so happy! (: but it's nothing actually, i just helped an auntie pick up her things as she was selling vegetables, then her box flew off, due to the big wind. o.o hah, then continued walking. we started eating first, then kimberly arrived. after eating, went to another block to smoke again. this time round, one cigarette, 4 person share. LOL! sucha losers, but i dont care! (: they are my bestest friends mans, good things must share! (:

anyw, from now onwards, i'll put my words in different colours. as in, everytime i skip to another paragraph, it is still in one whole paragraph. so, in order to seperate it, i'll put it in other colours. so it's easier to see! (:  anyw, this is for WONG SAY JONG! eh, walau lohs you! i use the words is not you say de lohs. i saw it as it is your wallpaper. so you cannot say me! (:

hmm, today i saw my CH result. it's a total dissappointment. :/ i didnt get the marks i expected. i'm really very sad, how i wish i could get an A1. hopefully, i can get it for my N'level! (: anyw, grats isabel! you got 81marks, that's so cool! goodluck and jiayou for your N'level! (:

anyw, i'm so bored just now. so i went to YOUTUBE to look for some akon's song. then i saw this song of his "locked up" so cool mans! the same name as my link (: dont say i'm not good, i got his lyrics for you! :D

isn't this cool?! :D enjoy uh!

Monday, September 21, 2009

to, TOH.KL

Worried, Sad. :/

this post is especially meant for TOH.KL! To my very best friend, although i dont know what has happened to you, but we are really worried for you. please dont do any silly stuffs, we love you as a friend, and we care for you. we know you are having some difficulties, but some problems can only be solved by yourself. there's a saying, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. so, do be the solution. yesterday, i've tried my very best to give you some advise. do you know that when i got home, i'm so fcuking worried for you. i tried to sleep, but i couldnt. you might be thinking that you are like a burden to us, but frankly speaking, you're not. why? it's because, what are friends for? you said partly of the problem is because of BGR, and i've gave you some advise yesterday. you can ignore my words, but you must still have your own pride. i read your blog just now, i'm so fucking sad. :/ in your blog, you wrote, "if i happen to tell ,i guess i'll be leaving this clique ,and go to other place .as i dun haf the face to face you all anymore & myself ." my friend, though we're just friends, i hope that you know how much we love you and care for you. dont do things that will harm you, please. though i'm not a christian, i tried to pray for you. i really want you to become the TOH.KL i first met, a very cheerful boy, always smiling, just how adorable can you be? (: if you need any help, feel free to call me or any of us. We'll always be there for you! love you always!

Monday, September 14, 2009

dilemma, afriad

dilemma, afraid.
hello freaks! here to update again. well the first paragraph is for my good friend kimberly tan. (:
well,my good friend. this phrase is for you. Yesterday's history, Today's present, Tomorrow's mystery. hopefully you get what i meant. (: well, dont keep looking to the past, just look ahead alright? we, as your good friends, we care for you, we love you, we cherish you. so fret not alright? we'll always be there for you. (: however, you said that no matter what you do or what you say, we wont understand. but firstly, you should let us know what is your problem, then, we can help you. there's a saying, "If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem."  so always bear in mind alright? and there's something i must tell you, after the BBq, you've totally changed to a person whom i dont really understand. unlike the past, just a look on your face, i can know what you're thinking. i'm not trying to infer on anything, but i hope that you'll always remember us, YOUR GOOD FRIENDS ALWAYS! (: 
this paragraph is for T.KL! (:
well, you told me to give you some advise. all i can say is, BE ORIGINAL! why? is it cool being like others? or should i say, lke a copycat. frankly speaking, you have alot of flaws. firstly, you mind your looks alot. but that's alright. (: secondly, you take people's word seriously and you put it to heart. hmm, for this, i've no comment. other's comment is just something you can take it for real or just ignore it. but have you ever thought that whatever he/she say is just from her own point of view? perhaps others will say, "Ee, now kinleng so dao, dot tlak to him le lahs." have you thought of this? i know you're friendly, and you want to have more friends. but i think that, it's best that you stay as yourself! (:
hahaha! (: i think i can be a counsellor when i grow up. Lolol. after all this, i think i should tell you guys about my prelim. hmm, MATHS paper 1 today is alright, but for me, i still find it hard. AND(!), there'll be history for tomoro. and qinyi went to ask for some hints from mdm faizal, but guess what she said, she told us to study all. as in, she mention all topic, and it's the same as STUDYING ALL. zzzzz, what on earth is she thinking? omg, sucha joker. and till now, i haven't study a single piece of SHIT! i'm just too lazy. == i'll just let fate decide. Amen. LOLOL! :p anyw, i'm so into lady gaga's JUST DANCE! :D sing it mans!

wooots! how cool? (:
anyw, i'm going to TOWN this friday or saturday! hahaha! :D i'm so excited already?! hehe. =x
this is cool too :D

cool? (:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fcuk N'level

Fcuk N'level!
hello! during these three days, starting from monday. my eraly paper for N'level has already started, and seriously, it sucks to the core. espicially SS. zzz, bloody hell.i memorize SL and NI, but none came out. luckily i still remember some of DD. (: today's english paper was alright, i think i can make it. (: L.ZJ, JIAYOU! :D
anyw, nowadays, i spent money like no need see price de. == just last friday, mummy bought me to FRESHBOX to buy new clothes and shorts, and only kimleng noticed it. :/ but nevermind. hmm, as for SBC, i'm making a TEE and a CHALET! (: how great, hopefully all are co-operative. (:  below are some pictures. not too many, 4 just nice. (:
shall stop here, going down to have a puff. (:

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Worried, confuse

Worried, Confuse.
hello. nowadays, it's so fucking fun! why? because we went to kimbery's house and we played lots of stuffs. Lolol. kinda lame, but it was fun. (: anyw, school is getting so bored. and, N'level is aproaching. Social Studies early paper is on tuesday, 8th sept. zzz, i'm afraid i cant make it. cause, i dont know which to study! i'm studying on SL and NI, but wtf? so many to choose. which one will come out?! zzz, hopefully i'm lucky enough to make the right choice. ==
anyw, i stayed home al day long today. (: quite proud with myself, but i'm staying home because i've no money, and i dont know where to go. that's why. Lolol. anyw, in FACEBOOK, jon is such a loser. =x cause in Friends For Sale ( FFS) he wanna buy alot of people, but we keep buying them back. i think he is piss le bahs? =x hahahha! dont care only lahs, i shiok can liao. Lolol, abit selfish though. anyw, jon, can you please stop wearing the hairband? seriously, it doesn't look good on you. == i'm not trying to criticize you, but fact lahs. i'm helping you instead? you look like a alien when you wea the hairband. LOLOL!
woots! tomoro trainin. (: but dont know want go or not, cause N'level ah!!! you not scared, i alo scared. ==  zzz, so stress..? but i think i'm not, i still can play, but wheneve studies or exam comes into my mind, i'm piss! it makes my head go round mans!
Ramdoness: i wanna go sentosa! :o
zzz, i've just finished copyin down the SEQ thingi, damn! it's so bloody long. == and, kim's mother's friend has a chalet next week, on sat when the N'level early paper is already over. but i dont know if i canton or not. zz, hopefully yes! (: just take is as a short relax time before the rest of the N'level paper starts? (: hahahaha! :D
anyw, i ust remembered something that makes me feel like an idiot! what is it?! well, i forget when is it le, but all i know is, i asked my cliques out to town, but only some agreed. we meet at yishun interchange at 1pm. but we ended up meeting up around 1.45pm, after that, we went to 18chief before we leave for vivo. (: after eating, it was around 4pm. then kim say he dress like KNS, then we slack outside 18chief(?) to decide how.. and the decision is, go to kim house. WTF?! we were wearing so formal as we intened to go to vivo, but ended up, we wore formal just to eatat 18chief. == sucha disgrace. zzz, but overall, it was fun lahs. (:
plus, i still remember on that day, kim's mother wascooking some sort of thai beef(?) well, it's fcuking spicy!! we were like weaklings. zzz, finished our dinner in like just 30mins(?) then i played blackjack with yuki, loser eats a spoonful of the spicy beef!! :D well, i think it was even, as both of us did lost and win. (:
that's all for now. i'm feeling so tired, perhaps i should go get some rest. that's all. (:  omg, dear god, bless me luck for my N'level early paper. (:

Monday, August 24, 2009


hello. well, blogger in fine now. thanks to people whom taught me how, like lynette. (: that noob, didnt knew she know this. Lolol. hahah. (: well, school sucks. :D heh, i belived you all will agree with me. but why hate school? for me, i think it's total boredness. and adding on, now, Mr Ng continued with the same Singing Contest. LOLOL!!! well, i created it. but why? damn lame lohs, if we didnt sing the national anthem, we'll have to sing again. what reason is that? even if we sing it, but we didnt sing it from the bottom of our heart, it's still meaningless. why waste the time at the parade square? instead of letting us go back to class? teachers kept nagging that N'level is HOW IMPT. yah, impt. i know. (: but you made us waste time at the parade square to train our singing? ROFLMAO! no logic, just fcuk off.
well, this paragraph is for yude. well, mate, i know times are hard. but i really appreciate you for scoling Mr Ng. :D:D how cool! but wait, this isn't about coolness or what. guess what?! you just got a external suspension from the school till O'level. hah, you may think it's cool for you, a previallage. but, your at lost you know?! you might think i'm crapping, but guess what will your EXPRESS MATES think? for me, they'll say, "aiya, confirm is zhengjie&co. teach bad yude de lahs! teach him how to smoke, tell him dont study." hey, yude, it isn't nice when you're being accuse. so please change, for the sake of us for being acusse? just reflect on yourself bahs, though life isn't fair, but cum'on, we still have to move on. but the teachers, SIMPLY SUCKS! i support you in this. xD
anyw, there's training tomoro! (: shiok, i love training! cool cool cool! (: anyw, when the indoor court is done, we finally have a chance to use it! for once! cool or sucks? Lolol. but whatever, we still manage to use the indoor court. (: by the way, last sunday, we went to queensway to order our jersey! SHIOK SHIOK! 4years,1jersey. pathetic. ==
hmm, i just found out something shocking today. i want to say, but i dont have the rights to say. so, too bad. maybe next time uh?! (: and i've learnt a lesson today, you cannot trust anyone. just like "CAO CAO". he didnt trust anyone, and people said he's proud. but i belive he's a good comander, though he sucks at time. LOLOL! from now onwards, i'll no share my stuff with anyone, anymore. nothing would have happened, if you didnt make a speech. therefore, you sucks! you're a backstaber, you talk behind my back, you too, despise me. but, so do i. you're a holy to them, but you're a dog to me. guess why?! well, just guess. let your imagination go wild. xD cool right? Lol.
anyw, just now sayjong asked me something.
SJ: hey, when are you going to settle down?
ME: settle down? what you mean?
SJ: get a stead and last long lohs.
ME: Lol. you think easy to find mehs? hard lehs. ==
SJ: you lehs, hard? Lol.
ME: if easy you go hong lohs. ==
Lol. seriously, it's hard to find a stable relationship. i'm waiting for the right person, being called a playboy, hongster isn't that nice. :/ so, i'll try to change for the better. but i think i'm just bullshitting. Lol. ._. anyw, yenlin is so dumb lohs! thinking of her only, makes me giggle. :D
anyw people! i've changed my number. (: do save the new one! 96470990. msg me to tell me who you are, cause i've lost all my contacts. and please, dont try to be cute, by prank calling me. ==
that's all i want to say, but before i go, i've a few videos. (:

this is bloody nice! i mean the next video below. (:

enjoy! (:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hello. blogger simply sucks to the core! why? i wanted to upload some pictures, but what the fcuk? nothing came out, kns! blogger, please do some maintainence to fcuking hell get blogger to become better. Lol. what the fcuk am i talking? o.o anyw, school seriously sucks to the core too. school and blogger can become a tag team. Lol!
guess why i said school sucks? firstly, Mr Chan is a big asshole, kns! TI KO CHAN. (: why? he said that the indoor court is meant for the basketball team. what the fcuk lah? Mr Goh appeal for this to the Moe because he wanted the students to be happy. (i guess) Lol. then guess what Mr Chan said, he said that the basketball team has the first piority. KNS! though, volleyball doesnt have any achievements since 2006, but you cant be so bias against volleyball. wak up your idea lahs!
secondly, Mrs Rajes is the TEACHER IN CHARGE for volleyball. but she is not responsible at all! why made her the TIC? all she did is using her mouth, but nothing comes happen. what a joke. lamers!
i hate school! because, it's so boring. and N'level is coming alr, i'm so lazy to study. and now what? i'm havng a cold war with my mother, like what the fcuk lahs? i'll have to greet her everytime i saw her, as it's manners. then she didnt reply, is that what she call manners? then if i dont call her, she will kpkb say i no manners. What the fcuk lah! adults are idiots. seriously, the sucks to the core too. (:
i love being 16. it's so fun, no stress, until now. i hate my parents, how i wished they can just ignore me, but they must give me my daily allowance. (:

i've the urge to hear his song suddenly. (: anwy, i wanna play maple now! (: bbye.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

blogger is fine now. (:

Yeahs! Blogger is fcuking fine now. (:
hello. i've finally got the chance to fcuking hell blog properly. (: all thanks to BLOGGER(fcukers) hah. (: Lol. anyw, kimberly's birthday just passed, and we had great fun celebrating for her. (: it was a hell of a time, and sadly, i got drunk. fcuk! i said out things which i've kept within myself, or to say, my top secret, not even sean, my best friend knows. Lol. damn, so paisae. but i wont continue talking about it, as i feel so ashame. Lol.
thursday, 13th august, is when my PRELIM starts. omg, i'm so afraid. what to do? i'm not even prepared, this sucks. just imagine, what if my N'level fail, TOUCH WOOD! :/ i must pass, and get a fcuking good grade, but even if i cant, i must at least make it to higher Nitec.
i relaly hate mrs chan, she sabo me today. for what? firstly, i alr cut my hair, so fcuking short. secondly, about my hari colour, damn it lahs, my hair so short alr, how can the colour still be there. thirdly, yes, i admit my fringe is long, but guess what mr ng said.
Mr Ng: if i help you cut your fringe now, this offence slip is nothing, i'll tear it away.
Me: dont want lahs, later very ugly.
Mr Ng: it's alr very ugly. *giggled*
Me: heh, yah. *sarcastic*
what the fcuk lohs, he think he fcuking hell hansome. lose me abit only then jealous like one kind, Lol! anyw, had training today. quite fun plus bored. anyw, felicia is so stupid, Lol. noobie. anyw, fila is one fcuker. she threw ball at my *toooooot*, you get what i meant? Lol. anyw, i have alot of pictures, but i wont be bloggin it. i'm to lazy, and there is alot, when i say alot, it's really alot. Lol. if you're really keen in seeing it, you may go to kim leng's blog.
ok done, i wanna play maple right now. Lol. lame game though, but it kills time. (: by the way, i've one intersting quote.
A men's destiny is always decided by fate.
but, why? hahaha

Monday, August 10, 2009

fcuk blogger.

Omg, i havent logged on to blogger, and i fcuking hell dont know what's the fcuking problem with this! damn, since i hate this now, i wont be posting bout what i really wanna tell you guys! too bad, but blame fcuking blogger. i dont even know whether the problems lies with me or blogger. SCREW YOU BLOGGER! Lol. but whatever, if you really wanna know, talk to me in msn. (:

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



hello. i havent update my blog and it's starting to rot, i wanted to delete it, but i just cant do it. Lol. anyw, recently, i'm so full with activities. (: went to sentosa, btp and had tons of fun with cliques. (: hahahaha. anyw, the prelims are around the corner, zzz. i'm worried for my Combine Science. :/ totally hopeless. what to do? i want to study, but i'm lazy. pathetic.

anyw, jon joined volleyball as he has been going to sentosa with us lately and this made him so indulged in volleyball. Lol. hopefully, his passion wont fade off so soon. (: anyw, yesterday we had training, and i think i've improved, but maybe not, cause we played with the 'B' girls, and maybe they wasnt in their best form. i still need to buck up! but, i need time. i want to join coach's volleyball team, V-element. but it's tough job man. sean and i are lack of experience, and we do not have a proper team. pathetic.

anyw, i think i really really love combine humanities. but i hate SEQ(structure essay question). soooooo Omg. Lol. mdm faizal gve us a test, or to say, a one day time to memorize a SEQ test. Lol. over 13points, i only got 8. i'm really very disapointed with myself, i thought i could get 11. but guess what, mdm faizal still wrote there "need more eleboration", i was like wth? i sumarize 3 paragraphs into shorter form, but i still have the main points inside, just, what is wrong?! and i think i elaly did memorize the SEQ, it's so unfair, even qinyi could get 9, why can't i?! for the next test, i want to top the class, and i will!

hahaha, wei yang introduced me this lame video. it's obvious that this song is pokerface by lady gaga, it was being edited. Lol. so no life, but quite creative. (:

hahaha! this is so fcuking lame. but this make me laugh for 5mins straight. LOL!

this is crap. lemme show you what is tecktonik. (:

haha. enjoy. (:

that's all. enjoy. (;

Friday, July 24, 2009


Doubting myself.
i think i really sucks.

hello! didnt update for sometime, i think i'm just fcuking wayyyyy toooo lazy. maybe lazy people shouldnt have blog, like me. Lol. but i'll try to squeeze things out from all my brain cells. LOL! anyw, later i'll be going for a church volleyball game. damn, i'm gonna kick some ass there! (: anyw, sean is having a fever right now. :/ how sad, hope he get well soon. (: how cute is sean? (:
hmm, tomoro will be going to sentosa again! (: anyw, speaking of sentosa, i'llbe uploading some pictures. it was taken last week after we went to sentosa with clique. hah. (: anyw, sean and i has decided to focus more on beach volleyball as there is only the two of us, but guess what? we asked kimberly and yuki to join us too. that means, 2guys 2 girls. we can join tournaments like mixed team or even 2v2. (: hopefully, their passion for volleyball wont fade, otherwise, it's just like a dream. and i dont really like it. mentioning to you about the team, i've think up of a team name, it's called "Team of Intensify Volleyball Chemistry". it sounds so cool! and sean said it was too long, then he say put "Team of intensification". like dots? i search for the dictionary for this word, but there's no such word. Lol.

hmm, yesterday i had my chinese N'level oral. ok, seriously, the passage is god damn hard! like woah when i saw the passage, omg man! my chinese really sucks, but when it comes to the conversation, hah! (: it's quite easy, not trying to be proud, i think i'll get high marks for conversation, whereas for the passage, it's vise versa. Lol. and, there was training yesterday, but thanks to the teacher or whoever arrange the date for my oral, i was placed last! =,= the oral started at 2.30pm and by the time i finished my oral, itwas alr 4.40pm. thanks cher, 2hours plus of sitting sure is great. =,=

anyw, i'm really sarting to love the song, breakeven by "The Script", woah! it's so nice! (: let me be generous, here's the song. (:

is it nice?! (: so meaningful right?! (: and, i shall upload the pictures now. ><

there's too much, but i'll just post this first. (:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

i'm waiting.


hello! my blog is rotting and i'm really tired and lazy of updating, how i wish i could just close my blog. Lol. hmm, but for this time round, i'll try to squeeze everything from my brain for the sake of you all!!!!!! you all must be grateful loh. Lol. hmm, i think i just say about yesterday bah.

yesterday, i went to meet suayji (jon). hahaha (: accompany him eat lunch, then slacked at my house area. damn it was so bored, cause only we two. Lol. afterwards, went to wee meng's house. i wanted to play maple, but i forgot my account's password. so suayji let me play his, omfg! his wizard, level 62, lightning dmg, highest hit, 700. == seriously, he make me go speechless. LOL!

i only played for 30mins(?) then that suayji want watch AHLUM. sibei dog loh, he watch one called office prison, damn it! watch more than 4times. is he sick or what?! == damn irritating, so i went outside to have a puff. how shiok. (: around 4pm, sean arrived. they play audi, then i wait outside. finished playing, then went over to 800+ to have dinner. after dinner, we walked over to 803. saw some of roy's friend, they look so gangster. :/ but we have more people. (: we have, suayji, sean, roy, kim leng, yude, ahpunehneh(qinyi), say jong and wee meng. (:

slacked awhile then go up wee meng's house again, roy want to finght a maple boss, i dont know what is it call. waited for 2hrs still havent fight. lucky i never watch him play, i was watching harry potter! (: so cool loh, and emma watson is soo cute when she is young. (: 9.30pm, all of us went home.

&today! i'm going to sentosa later! how cool and crazy?! (: in ther afternoon. o.o killing hot man! but i dont care! (: anyw, just now i was chatting with ah xinn about you know who. &she created this "stroy" thingi, and i wont be so selfish not to let you guys enjoy. hahaha! (:

LOL! how cool is ah xinn? (: anyw, this is the longest i can go le, stop forcing me. :/ LOL. hahaha, but before i logged off, here's a song for her. (:

i really love you, and i'll wait.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

who is she? o.o

hello! sorry that i've neglected my blog for 5days? o.o but really sorry, i'm really lazy and i have to catch up with my school work, i'm lacking in my maths! :/ &i wanna play DotA. Lol. i've just finish 2sentence, and i really wanna DotA now! so sorry ah, i think DotA better. (:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Exam Exam Exam

Exam Exam Exam. :/
hello. sorry for not updating for these few days. o.o was busy, lazy and tiring. :/ i really hate school! hmm, today was funny, it's thursday! so? hahahah! we dont have to attend school early like the usual time 6.30am Lol. from now on, we only have to attend school at 6.30 on monday, tuesday, wednesday and friday. only on thursday, it's 8.30am!! (: hahahah!
havent update for so long. i'm really speechless. Lol. anyw, i really wanna have a round of DotA now. so, i'll update later. (: ps oh. =x

Friday, June 26, 2009


hello. i've jst return back from SBC's bbq. &i'm soooo tired. :/ however, the bbq was soooooooo fun! i do enjoy the bbq however, some are ... i dont wish to say who. Lol. anyw, yesterday we left my house at 11. &we reached pasir ris park around 1145(?) quite fast actually. (:
went for fishing first, no luck at all. how sad? :/ started bbq-ing around 4pm. really had fun teasing each other. >< &wei yang and qinyi is one smart ass, cause qinyi bought 60prawns there, then they kept 30prawns for those who are staying over night as supper. HAHAHAH! (:
i realy have sooo much to say! but i'm too tired now, shall go back to sleep then update again. (:
[ i've taken quite alot of pictures, however, i used sean's phone. Lol.]

this is cool! ><

Sunday, June 21, 2009

smoking is bad for health

Smoking is bad for health.
hello. i woke up around 10am this morning to meet sean to go to chamber. Lol. played DotA, lost all games, how unlucky? geeezzz... finish playing around 3.45pm(?) then went to Chong Pang to have breakfast+lunch. how sad, today the vegetarian stall was closed, so i ate lasi lemak. =x i broke the promise, but i'll pay it back. (: so, i've been a vegetarian for 4days, owing myeself 3 more days.
after eating, went to 806. which is just under my block. -.- slacked, smoked, talk craps &nothing more. Lol. life's indeed abit bored, however, went over to wee meng's house around 5pm. watched finding nemo, then i alone went to meet my daddy for dinner. yude came over before i left. hmm, cant say it was a sumptious meal as i only ordered fried rice. Lol. went to wee meng's house to find sean&co. left his house around 9pm as yude wanted to eat.
accompany them for awhile &taadaaaaaaa, i'm home. (: Lol. tomoro having the 3on3 basketball match, geez. i'm afraid i cant wake up. Lol. but hopefully i can. (: i shall stop here for a game of DotA le. (: but before i go, DO YOU KNOW THAT CHANNEL U HAS A NEW SHOW CALLED 'ABSOLUTE BOYFRIEND'? IT'S SO FREAKING NICE! GO WATCH, IT'S ON EVERY FRIDAY, FROM 11PM TO 1PM. (: THE GIRL INSIDE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE. ^^

Saturday, June 20, 2009



hello. today was the beach volleyball competition at NYP. however, we couldnt go for it as we were lack of people, how sad? Lol. since we were lack of people, yude meet me around 10am, &we went over to yck to meet sean for breakfast. hahahah! today was my 4th day of vegetarian, how cool. (:

after eating, went over to sean's house, watched him play Marvel TD. stayed there for around an hour(?) then came back to yishun. waited for sj&hh to arrive my house then slacked at my house for 2hour then went to meet jon, WATCH him EAT LEH! -.- Lol. walked back to 803, then went to 7-11 to buy drink. saw a chiobu there. =x walked back to 803 to meet wee meng, then suddenly a friend of mine came to look for me, i was kinda shocked as it felt weird. then he suddenly asked if we got say a girl in 7-11 act cute or not. it was abit weird as we didnt even say her. then after 5mins of asking, it was me. however, it was just a misunderstanding, as i was refering to royston and she thought that i was saying her. Lol. afterwards, went back to my house again. watched american got talent till 7 then went to eat. Lol.

after eating, slacked at 803. sj&hh went off earlier, around 8.15pm. then the rest of us stayed. i'm so freeeeeeaaaaaaaaaakinnnggggggggg bored. so i went abit gaga so as to change the atmosphere, so i hit yude's c**k. Lol. he got so pissed and wanted to hit me back, &i played kung fu with jon, hahaha! hit him in the mouth accidentaly. =x opppsss! hahaha (: had lots of fun there! much laughters, how great. (:

&taaadaaaaaa, i'm home now. (: played DotA, say jong disconnected twice, and i dont have the mood to play alr. Lol.

that's all. i'm dead beat. =/

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Puff Puff &Away!

Puff Puff &Away!
hello. yesterday played blind mice again. (: had much fun, &my broher joined us. he's a great cheater. Lol. i guess only lah. -.- hmm, i woke up around 9am this morning. went to meet say jong at 10am at chong pang to have breakfast. &today is my third day eating vegetarian! (: so proud of myself. (: hahahahahaha! (:
hmm, anyw yesterday hong hao introduced me this video. let me show you aye. (:

so cool? hahaha! one more MTV, find this song quite nice. (:

i've got another version in my phone remixed with kanye west. (: that's all, shall update again tonight. (:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain
& 100% to remeber th name!
hello. yesterday was rather fun-filled! haha, after going to qinyi's house, we went back to wei yang's house to play comp, but for awhile only, cause sean reached my house alr. wait for the rest to reach. then we went to the park nearby my house to play volleyball, after volleyball, played blind mice again. (: so fun! my brother joined us this time.
waited for wei yang to tabao my VEGETARIAN dinner. anyway, i havent told you that i'm going to be a vegetarian eh? (: well, it's because qinyi showed me a video of DAMAO, a god now, and the show insipire me alot, therefore, i wanna be a vegetarian. but i thibk i cant tahan long de lah. -.- but, i'll try. (:
hmm, meeting hh and sj later. geez! i haven't eat my breakfast+lunch. Lol. anyw, nowadays, i keep eating late, and m backbone is sooooooo painful. =/ &my volleyball competition is coming, and so is the 3on3 basketball competition coming. how i dread that. =/ but(!), SBC's bbq is coming, woootss! i wanna enjoy myself that day, no stress! (:
anyw, recently my brother has been using youtube, and we found this video, i think you can see the poster of him everywhere in the train or bus. (: now you know who is he? it's PHUAH CHU KANG! (:

hahaha! update again later or tomoro. (:


there's still one more video! you've seen hong hao playing blind mice, but what about say jong? (: hahaha! this is his first time playing with us, and he couldnt catch a fingle one of us in 5mins time. Lol. sorry my friend. (:

Monday, June 15, 2009

happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Kim Leng!

(belated wish)

hello. the day before yesterday was kim leng's birthday! (: hahaha! well, yesterday i woke up around 10, then i went over wei yang's house to play his lappy. Lol. finished one owning game, then went over to northpoint to meet ah xinn, kim leng, hui ling &wei cong. had long john for lunch + breakfast. Lol.
went over to safra, intend to play pool. however, we have to wait for a very long time, so we went over to the spider web. Lol. played police&thief there, had tons of fun. (:
went to eat then go home le.
yesterday, met up with sean&co. at my house then went to eat, then sean went to np to meet his sister. as for the rest of us, we slacked at 803 for 45mins? then sj, hh and wm left. lefting jon and i, went over to my house then changed to basketball outfit as wei yang wanted to play ball. meet roy then went over to 139 together.
darn! it was a bad day for me after all. i just can't score!! but whatever, left there around 10pm then went to eat supper. thanks to say jong for ps-ing us out. Lol.
shall end here. now gg to wei yang house as i'm at qinyi's house. Lol. shall update again tonight. (:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

total rejected

Total Rejected.

hello. (: let's start with yesterday, i woke up around 10am, then accompany mummy to have breakfast. after breakfast, DotA! (: played all the way until 2pm plus~ sean arrived after hong hao &say jong then as we were about to meet wei yang and qin yi, met yude under my block. went to the coffeshop to have lunch. ate chicken rice, but had a tummy ache straight after that. Lol. not long, jon arrived.

anyw, i cant buy cigarette at the S&Z le. =/ busted! actually can de loh, but they go pasteone lan jiao sticker showing no selling of cigarette to age 18below. Lol. but i still manage to buy, thanks to hong hao. Lol.

after eating, wet to 803 &played UNO. Lol. but guess what, i won first. Lol. they so noob. =x afterwards, we went to the park&played BLIND MICE. hahaha! i have a video of hong hao ... i think i'll post, but he dont want me to post. Lol. but i'll tell you what we did to him.

basically, we were playing blind mice for like 1/2 hour alr, then we startd to sweat. then it was jon's turn to be the blind mice, then wei yang told me if we want to play busted or not, that means, we walk away, letting him play himself. =x so bad, lol! but i dont want, then i say wait the next blind mice then e busted him. unfortunatly, it was hong hao. Lol. in the rule of blind mice, the non-catcther is not allowed to step foot on the ground, but we wanted to busted hong hao, so all of us wore our slippers and we started pranking him, we made noises, he get confused and we intend to walk away, but that is so busted, so we didnt. Lol! 5mins of prank, he opened his eyes. HAHAHAHA! (:

after this, they went over to the swing to play who can go the highest. Lol. i didnt play as i'll get a headache even if i just sit still on the swing. poor thing? Lol. smoked, and off we go 803 to slack and wait for roy, jiemin, Kl& kimberly to reach. they reaced around 8pm. we startd playing badminton, which we borrowed from a uncle. (: opps, speaking of badminton, no cake, all lost to me, they either get 2points the most or 0. =x HAHAHAHA! (:

after badminton, we went to eat. played volleyball then off we go. (: anyw, i think i really want to post th video of hong hao. =x sorry my friend. (:

hahaha! =x &i'll post the pictures now, some are from yesterday and some are taken when we are at plaza sing.