Saturday, June 6, 2009

advance b'day wish (:

Advance Happy B'day to Esther! (:
(sean's sister. Lol)

hello. today was fun + boring + sad + crazy. Lol. well, it was fun today because i went to sean's sister bbq. (: i was bored today because i know no one there except for sean. Lol. i was sad today because all ps me, make me go alone. =/ i was crazy today becaue i suddenly asked myself, who are my CLIQUES? o.o

so, who are my cliques? i really dont know. who are my true friends? i really dont know. today, i saw a book at sean's house, 好朋友,不一定是好人。well, is it chim? (: i asked myself on my way home from sean's house. is it sean, wei yang, say jong, hong hao, wee meng, wei cong, kim leng, hong sheng, yude, jonathan or qin yi? WHO &WHY?! this question is so weird, but i really wanna know the answer. Lol.

well, i was talking to my friend just now at msn. he put this nick, "is it better to flirt or truthfully love somebody". well, if you know me well, you'll know what i'll say. HAHAHA, Lol. i think, i'm really a hongster. but, there's always a reason behind something.

anyw, i really wanted to post this after the question i asked myself.

To my brother, Sean :
well, we go through thick &thin together. we spent most of our time slacking, playing volleyball, watching show &etc. though it's rather boring, we had fun. sometimes, we scold each other, insult each other, "suan" each other, give atitude to when another, ignored one another, quarrel over small matters, fight over small things &even ps each other sometimes. despite all these, we are still so close. why? we are forgiving. (: sometimes, i'm afraid that people might mistook us as gay, but you told me, we are brothers. (: how happy am i to hear that. Lol. i think i'm really gay, but even if we are gay, i must be the boy! (: HAHAHAHA! (: BROTHERS FOREVER! xD

dont know why i wanted to post this. Lol. shall stop here alr, cause, DotA!!!! (:

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