Sunday, May 31, 2009

advance b'day wish. (:

Advance B'day wish!
Happy birthday to my good friend Louis! (:
hello. didnt manage to update ytd cause i reached home late and i'm very very very very tired. Lol. ehh, i htink i dont blog bout ytd bah, i forget le. Lol. =x
i woke up around 10am this morning, i thought my father has already went off to work. so, i pull myself up to switch on the comp. (: but havent using the com for 15mins, my parents return home. -.- lucky they never ask me why so 'early' on comp aye. (:
since just now, i havent witch off my comp. (: cause my dad went off to work alr. anyw, i might be buying hair dye later. but after buying, i think i no money le. -.- all thanks to my mum, she dont want give me more today. Lol.
anyw, just now as i was suring through youtube, i saw this video. Rowan Atkinson a.k.a Mr Bean. (: it's about him paying an invisible drum. Lol. abit lame though, but it's rather funny. (: do enjoy!

you have seen him playing drum, what bout piano? (:

hahaha! now, what bout a conductor? ^^

hahaha! shall end here. will update tomoro, otherwise, tonight. (:

Friday, May 29, 2009


Holiday! (:

hello! (: today is the last day of school, and i'm feeling good! hahahaha! (: anyw, i'm dying my hair tomoro, with sean also. (: anyw, i want to CONGRATULATE team DEFAULT again! (: guess what? they won the DotA competition! who are they? CHAMPION! (:

anyw, had training today. -.- so tiring loh, ahhh! coach told us to run 5rounds, but i ony ran 3rounds and i'm already panting. -.- sean that idiot really go un 5rounds. Lol.

hmm, after training, slacked with sean, yude, KL &jonathan. around 8pm, saw royston. (: hmm, he that saibin. Lol.

but before we met royston, we walked over to block 838, just beside the basketball court and we saw people playing a basketball tournament(?) i think it's the Lee Bee Hwa cup. Lol. all so big size lohh, lucky i never join, or even know about it. Lol. but, guess what?! i think sean &i are joining back to basketball. why?! because, recently we were playing basketball with wei yang&co. at 139. &i think because of this, we changed our mind and anted to go back. Lol. sean says he's a talent, but what bout me?! HAHAHAHA! (:

&i think KL is soooo cute. Lol, i'm gay! =x &jonathan is soooo, SUAYJI! =x chill aye, joking only. but you xin zhi du ming can alr. hahahaha. (: shall post some pictures now. (:

( this is so gay. =x )

Thursday, May 28, 2009



hello! i'm so sleepy this morning. -.- during the first peroid, it was P.E, so much fun! played frisbe, no cake. (: we owned. my mates are, wei yang, sean, shafiq &akir. don't think that ahnei cant play eh. (: after P.E, it's physic. slept for the whole period, and then i was chem, did the same thing. Lol. after recess, it was english, 3 periods! omg right? Lol. slept fo 3periods, which is 1hr30mins. and i slept for 2hr30mins today. -.- damn sleepy~.

anyw, the weather is so hot today! it's so off &on loh. starting, it was so hot, but suddenly, it rained heavily. -.- hmm, i think i spent the whole afternoon using comp. Lol. played DotA 2rounds, lose 1 win 1. Lol, i think i need more improvement. Lol.

i dont know if this is a good news or bad news. Lol. my dad just told my mum in hokkien, saying that there will be someone from the govt. department to come my house to take photos. FOR? my dad says that because we owe the HDB alot of money, and still havent finish paying the debt. OMG! and chances of selling his house is 50/50. but it's not a 'want or not', even we dont wish to sell the flat, the govt. will use force. WTF loh. if the govt. do such things, i think my mum will kp all the way until LEE BEE HWA there. Lol.

recently, i've been doing things very disgraceful. =/ i'm so sad, but the things i do, are so FUNNY?! argh, i think i going to become the next SUAYJI liao. =/ hope not aye? jonathan alone can le. hahahaha! (:

tomoro is the last day of school alr. &i'm so happy! (: i wanna dye my hair! though it's only one month, who cares? (: is red nice for me? or brown? o.o i think i'll go for red, do give me some advice! (:
anyw, louis found out that i've smoke. =/
To my good friend Louis,
hey, chill aye? the msg you sent me just now makes me feels so guilty. though, we are just friends, but you're like my sister right?! (: still remeber the AH FAMILY? (: dont worry much kay? i'll cut down de, somemore, i dont buy alone, i only buy when sean or royston share with me. so dont worry so much kay? &i'm so happy to have a friend like you. thanks louis (:
that's all. but before i say goodbye, let me give you one song. (:

enjoy! (:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


done. (:
hello. woke up rather late today, 6.30am. Lol. rushed myself &walked to the bus stop around 7.09am. thought that i'll be late, but i didnt. so lucky.(:
today, we clarify over some matters. &i guess, we're even now? let's not talk about the past. (: anyw, canning! =/ but first, i have to really thank god! lucky it was in the class and not public. Lol. i think i was the fourth to be cane. hmm, i think mr phua at home go train eh? suddenly like so hard. zzz! when i was in sec2, the feel damn different. sean &wei yang is soo ke lian. mr phua miss kill then hit their kidney area. SO PAIN! =/ poor thing, Lol.
hmm, it wasnt that pain actually. but it's so fcuking pain the start, but the pain only lasted for 2mins. so it's wasnt a problem. (: and all those lower sec pupils, first time or what? keep looking in. -.- mrs chan eve wanted us to do a formal letter to apologize to the school. Lol, so troublesome. but, we have wei yang to settle it for us. hahahaha (:
ahhhh! later going cigarette le! NeXt Chill, please. (: Lol. hmm, louis's b'day celebration is coming, and i now dont even have enough money to buy her a present. GG =/ anyw, thanks mei xinn. (: though you didnt do anything. but your words sure make me feel better. Lol, like i wanted to commit sucide eh? LOL!
hmm, later going slack with roy, sean, wei yang, KL &yude. (: lucky my mum is working, otherwise sure cant go out. -.-AHHH! still havent eat lunch, but lucky got cup cup noodle. (: &thanks my cute little brother for making it for me! HAHAHAHA (:
perhaps that's all. going to play DotA now. (:


MYOB. tyvm (:
(mind your own business)
hello. school was fine today, my dad is soo good out of a sudden. Lol. he drove me to school and i reach there quite early than before, 7.10am. school was normal, had sexuailty talk today. SO FUN! (: Lol.
public canning tomoro. Lol. now so scared, first time kena public. -.- hopefully, mr siva wont cane me. Lol. cane royston. (: zzz! now so broke, no money buy .... Lol. anyw, i think i wont blog bout the matter, above, anymore. it does not only spoils my mood, i think it spoils theirs too.
anyw, KL, you say see you can smile. you sure? i like girls leh. Lol, but i like seeing guys wear dress, you can wear for me? LOL! later zq, wy &hs jealous. Lol.
skipped trainin today, cause raining. anyw, grats to team DEFAULT(DotA team name) 4/3 for winning class 4/10. (: the members are, HONG HAO, SAY JONG, WEI YANG, ZHEN QIANG &SEAN. hahahaha! (: however, wei cong joined class 4/4 and lost the competition in the second round. too bad, but there's next year. Lol.
that's all for now. going to have my dinner alr. (:

Monday, May 25, 2009

screwed & fucking pissed?

screwed & fcuking pissed?

hello. tell you all something, yesterday night was god damn hot! Lol. but i still manage to fall asleep, without fan somemore. -.- tanker leh. hahahaha. (: anyw, today was still fine for me, just that, thanks to ricky that suayji, make us all(sj&co.) kena public canning. -.- dont wish to say it all out. soo fcuk! now my mum is still pissed with me. Lol.


but, blah blah blah. you can like me as a smoker, you can also hate me as a smoker. though it sounds nasty, but i ain't nasty as you are. and, what rights do you have to criticize my level of english? though, it isn't as good as you are, but do yo have the rights to say it? cant you just keep it to yourself? true enough my english sucks, and i dare to admit it. despite the fact that i suck at it, i'm trying to improve. so please mind it. Lol.
enough of ranting, feels much more better now. hopefully you guys out there are much more luckier than i do. perhaps, having a relationship isnt all that well, but, maybe the problems lies not with guys, but girls. but girls claim that the problems lies with us, so we 'SHALL' give in to them. Lol.
shall stop here. DotA-ing. (:


LOL !! guess what she said.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Beautiful. (:
hello. (: just woke up and had nothing to do, so intend to blog awhile. Lol. anyw, yesterday went to slack with sean, kl, yude and roy. did nothing much but .... Lol. then yesterday night, my sister's friend came over to paly volleyball. Lol, dont want to insult them, but they are not really good. but, if they say that because we are bigger than them by a year. TAAADEEEEH! wrong, because, if they continue their CCA as volleyball, next year they'll by in the 'B'division, which is in the same group as us. so, we are so call 'training' them. Lol.
yesterday, damn fcuk! i dont know what i eat, must be something bad! make me go to the toilet 3times. =/ then yesterday night before i sleep one more time, make my anal so pain. Lol. but whatever, lucky i can go to sleep can le. hahahaha! (:
maybe going meet sean later. was to go to my ahma house de. but she going temple to pray, so next time oh. anyw, next week we're going tampines1 !! (: it's the new shopping mall there. wanted to see see look look watch watch. Lol. hopefully, there is a yakpak shop. (: so, i can buy the bag i want!! HAHAHAHAHA! (:
shall stop here, might update again tonight. DotA-ing now. (:

Friday, May 22, 2009

it's just a dream

it's just a dream.
hello. (: firstly, there is a bad news and there is a good news. the bad news is, it's all over. &the good news is, i'm happy instead of sad. Lol. but whatever, at least i did what i promised, i didnt mention for break until she did. Lol, i'm stll wondering why i can say such things when it's alr over. LOL! but whatever lah, i'll just look on the bright side of life. (: anyw, i still have my gay partners like, wei yang, hong sheng &zhen qiang. (:
but, when she asked for break. she said it so nasty, that i was so pissed.but luckily she apologized, so i'll just forget it. since i'm single now, i think i shall not flirt anymore(if possible). Lol. but for my own good, i'll change for the better. maybe she isn't my type at all, so i'll wait for a right one. and best of luck to her too. Lol.
it's so bored today, woke up around 12, bathe&stuffs. went down to eat breakfast&lunch, and now sean is alr at my house. maybe gg slack, i really cant stay at home. Lol!

hahahaha! (: maybe that all for now. still got lyrics hor. (: enjoy singing. Lol.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

you scare me.

you scare me.

hello. actually right now, i should be at shool hving my volleyball training. but, i'm too tired to attend training, so i skipped it. (: well, this morning i woke up abit late, so didnt manage to give rachel a morning call. but when i left home around 7am(?) she didnt pick up my call and reply my msgs. i felt so worried, and sad at the same time, thought she was ignoring me. but luckily, she replied me at 7.10am. (:

saw yichan at bus stop, so went to school together. were to meet her at her block, but she told me she might be late and told me to go in first. phew~ she wasnt late. (: didnt seat with her today, as HH kept talking to me. -.- but today i just realised something, and i'm kinda guilty about it. on the photo taking day, which is on tuesday, she wanted me to stand beside her in the informal shot. but i didnt, cause after taking the formal shot, i walked over to her side, and she was standing with isabel(i guess) then i thought she had forgotten about it, as i also told her i wanted to tie up a bun hair. hahahaha. (: but she didnt -.- so i stood beside sean to have the informal shot.

geez! just finished one round of INCOMPLETE DotA as i had a pop-up and were disconnected. but that's even better, that hong hao, he just make me feel speechless. anyw, school is coming to an end soon. and we'll have a month of holiday, but there's still remedial lesson. -.- i intend to dye my hair dark red perhaps, it's so cool. (: but, i scared later dye le cant go back to school. Lol.

school today was so-so actually. i slept in class for one and a half period i guess. well, Mr Ang showed us a clip of magic tricks by cyril street. holy! it's so cool, but if you're a guy, you'll get mad also, cause he only show his tricks to ladies. -.- such a ass, but he is soo cool. Lol. didnt have sushi today, so had western delight. awww, shouldnt have ordered for extra rice, so full. -.- after recess, went to comp lab 4 to take a survey(?) or whatever. was so bored, but finished all in 40mins. after that, DOTA!!!! (: but the teacher so ... he is Mr Look. so when we started playing, he'll walk over and start .... us alr. -.-

that's all. might be going to airport with her and some friends later. (:


Hello people!

i've re-created my blog, as i'm far too boring. anyw, hopefully i can update my blog everyday. (: this will be more than enough for the introduction bah? hahaha! hmm, shall update later. too lazy to update pictures. -.-
below are the photos taken on my b'day, which iso the 17th may. celebrating say jong's b'day &mine. (: