Thursday, May 21, 2009

you scare me.

you scare me.

hello. actually right now, i should be at shool hving my volleyball training. but, i'm too tired to attend training, so i skipped it. (: well, this morning i woke up abit late, so didnt manage to give rachel a morning call. but when i left home around 7am(?) she didnt pick up my call and reply my msgs. i felt so worried, and sad at the same time, thought she was ignoring me. but luckily, she replied me at 7.10am. (:

saw yichan at bus stop, so went to school together. were to meet her at her block, but she told me she might be late and told me to go in first. phew~ she wasnt late. (: didnt seat with her today, as HH kept talking to me. -.- but today i just realised something, and i'm kinda guilty about it. on the photo taking day, which is on tuesday, she wanted me to stand beside her in the informal shot. but i didnt, cause after taking the formal shot, i walked over to her side, and she was standing with isabel(i guess) then i thought she had forgotten about it, as i also told her i wanted to tie up a bun hair. hahahaha. (: but she didnt -.- so i stood beside sean to have the informal shot.

geez! just finished one round of INCOMPLETE DotA as i had a pop-up and were disconnected. but that's even better, that hong hao, he just make me feel speechless. anyw, school is coming to an end soon. and we'll have a month of holiday, but there's still remedial lesson. -.- i intend to dye my hair dark red perhaps, it's so cool. (: but, i scared later dye le cant go back to school. Lol.

school today was so-so actually. i slept in class for one and a half period i guess. well, Mr Ang showed us a clip of magic tricks by cyril street. holy! it's so cool, but if you're a guy, you'll get mad also, cause he only show his tricks to ladies. -.- such a ass, but he is soo cool. Lol. didnt have sushi today, so had western delight. awww, shouldnt have ordered for extra rice, so full. -.- after recess, went to comp lab 4 to take a survey(?) or whatever. was so bored, but finished all in 40mins. after that, DOTA!!!! (: but the teacher so ... he is Mr Look. so when we started playing, he'll walk over and start .... us alr. -.-

that's all. might be going to airport with her and some friends later. (:

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