Tuesday, May 26, 2009


done. (:
hello. woke up rather late today, 6.30am. Lol. rushed myself &walked to the bus stop around 7.09am. thought that i'll be late, but i didnt. so lucky.(:
today, we clarify over some matters. &i guess, we're even now? let's not talk about the past. (: anyw, canning! =/ but first, i have to really thank god! lucky it was in the class and not public. Lol. i think i was the fourth to be cane. hmm, i think mr phua at home go train eh? suddenly like so hard. zzz! when i was in sec2, the feel damn different. sean &wei yang is soo ke lian. mr phua miss kill then hit their kidney area. SO PAIN! =/ poor thing, Lol.
hmm, it wasnt that pain actually. but it's so fcuking pain the start, but the pain only lasted for 2mins. so it's wasnt a problem. (: and all those lower sec pupils, first time or what? keep looking in. -.- mrs chan eve wanted us to do a formal letter to apologize to the school. Lol, so troublesome. but, we have wei yang to settle it for us. hahahaha (:
ahhhh! later going cigarette le! NeXt Chill, please. (: Lol. hmm, louis's b'day celebration is coming, and i now dont even have enough money to buy her a present. GG =/ anyw, thanks mei xinn. (: though you didnt do anything. but your words sure make me feel better. Lol, like i wanted to commit sucide eh? LOL!
hmm, later going slack with roy, sean, wei yang, KL &yude. (: lucky my mum is working, otherwise sure cant go out. -.-AHHH! still havent eat lunch, but lucky got cup cup noodle. (: &thanks my cute little brother for making it for me! HAHAHAHA (:
perhaps that's all. going to play DotA now. (:

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